Please click on the name of the event to have a look at event photos / videos
- European Initiative for Democracy Conference, 1997
- European Day of Disabled People, 1998-1999
- Information Society and Technology Day Paris, 1999
- European Day of Disabled People 2000 & 2001: Conference, Award Ceremony and Gala evening
- Pan-European Balloons Launch and out-doors information fair for the European Year of Languages
- Phonak product launch at the premises of the ESA
- Photo exhibitions on EU projects in Western Balkans region
- 50th Anniversary of the Belgian Institute of Auditors (IRE) with the participation of high level ministerial officials
- CEEREAL breakfast week and the European Parliament
- MedTech Forum 2008 on behalf of EucoMed
- GS1 Global Forum 2006, 2007, 2008
- High Level meeting on Enhancing SME financing in ACP countries
- Cross-Ukrainian national competition for Best Employer in the field of Gender Equality
- Social advertising Conference, Kiev, Ukraine
- First & Second Colorectal Cancer Patient Conference, Barcelona, Spain
- 1st Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR)
- GS1 Global Forum 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
- GS1 General Assembly 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
- EU-Canada Cooperation in Common Security and Defence Policy: Current Engagement and Future Prospects
- GS1 Global Forum 2013, 2014
- GS1 General Assembly 2013, 2014
- Sixth Cohesion Forum "Getting started: Delivery of the new Cohesion Policy by Europe's regions and cities"
- Third Forum on Outermost Europe (RUP)
- EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP) conference , Italy
- 2nd Joint EU Cohesion Policy Conference
- GROW your REGIOn conference
- 'What's next for EU Arctic policy' conference
- EU-ASEAN Senior Officials' Meeting
- ICAE Preconference event on "Global Food Security Challenges"
- Open Days, Urban Day & RegioStars Awards
- 2nd Joint EU Cohesion Policy Conference
- GROW your REGIOn conference
- GS1 Global Forum 2015, 2016
- GS1 General Assembly 2015, 2016
- 'What's next for EU Arctic policy' conference
- EU-ASEAN Senior Officials' Meeting
- ICAE Preconference event on "Global Food Security Challenges"
- Open Days, Urban Day & RegioStars Awards
- EUSALP Forum, Slovenia
- High Level Conference on attracting Investment in Tourism
- London School of Economics Conference
- GS1 Global Forum 2016
- 1st EUSAIR Forum, Slovenia
- European Week of Regions and Cities (EWRC)
- RegioStars Awards Ceremony
- Urban Agenda for the EU High Level political event
- European Summit on Digital Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing
The above list only lists conferences, Fora and events, organised between 1997 and present.
For other references (communication campaigns, editorial jobs, etc.) please contact me directly at